People Behind Stop Killer Robots

Stop Killer Robots consists of technologists, scientists, academics, artists, campaigners, policymakers - everyday people from around the world. Watch six passionate champions of the movement talk about why they support the campaign to regulate and stop autonomous weapons.


In alphabetical order

  • Agnès Callamard - Secretary General of Amnesty International
  • Carlos Nhanga - Journalist specialised in data and coverage of armed violence, drug trafficking and militias in Rio de Janeiro
  • Hirotsugu Terasaki - Director General for Peace and Global Issues of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) and Vice President and Executive Advisor of the Peace Committee of Soka Gakkai headquartered in Tokyo.
  • Isabelle Jones - Campaign Outreach Manager for Stop Killer Robots
  • Janna Jihad - Palestinian youth activist and journalist
  • Laura Nolan - Software Engineer from Ireland and a member of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC)
  • Sumaya Nur Hussein - Law student at Strathmore University Law School in Nairobi researching the intersection of Law & AI

Filming took place between January 2023 - July 2023 in the following locations:

In alphabetical order

  • London, UK
  • Nabi Saleh, Occupied Palestine
  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Rio de Janiro, Brazil
  • Tokyo, Japan

Produced and edited by Charlie Murray